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Spartacus Wiki
First appearance S1E05: Shadow Games
Last appearance S1E05: Shadow Games
Profession Gladiator (Unknown House)
Race Roman
Relationships None
Status Deceased (Killed by Septimus)
Actor/Actress Uncredited

Valerius is a Gladiator who fought in the Arena the same day Spartacus and Crixus faced Theokoles in battle. He fought Septimus in the event just before, falling in battle to him.

Character Outline[]

From what can be seen, Valerius appears to be a white man about average height with muscular build. He wears a helmet that shields his face yet is designed with large holes to allow sight. There is also a strap leading across from one shoulder down his chest to the other side. Little else is known about him, aside from the fact that he lowers his shield when he attacks, thus leaving a vulnerable spot.

His exact style and weaponry is not clear (see 'Trivia' below).

Blood and Sand[]

Valerius appears just after being slain by Septimus, landing dead on the arena ground. Numerius makes an observation that picks out Valerius as a weaker opponent for dropping his shield whenever he attacked, thus allowing Septimus to make the fatal strike. He appears to have died of a head wound, as he is bleeding out of his helmet.


  • Numerius notes that Valerius' "weakness" leaves him open specifically to attack by an opponent with a spear. However his killer, Septimus, is clearly shown holding an axe after the battle! Either Numerius was just making an extra observation based on Valerius' past fights (and unrelated to his actual cause of death), or Septimus fought as a Hoplomachus (with spear) and picked up Valerius' own axe to finish him off. In the case of the latter, thisthen begs the question as to whether Valerius was using his shield with a sword (as would be expected) or the unusual combination of a shield and axe! The most likely explanation for this dilemma is simply a continuity error created by the difference between the visuals (Septimus' weapon) and the written script not matching, and that it was intended by the writer for Valerius to be a Murmillo or Thraex, and Septimus a Hoplomachus.