Spartacus Wiki
First appearance S0E02: Missio
Last appearance S3E09: The Dead and the Dying
Profession Gladiator
Race Gaul
Relationships *Quintus Lentulus Batiatus (dominus, deceased)
  • Crixus (Friend, deceased)
  • Oenomaeus (Doctore, deceased)
Status Active
Actor/Actress Tyrone Bell

Tyronius was a Gladiator from the Ludus of Quintus Lentulus Batiatus. He was portrayed by Tyrone Bell.

The rebel, portrayed by Tyrone Bell, is a gladiator from the House of Batiatus and becomes part of the rebellion.

Gods of the Arena

In Gods of the Arena, when Ulpius begins to attack Oenomaus, he attempts to intervene, grabbing Ulpius and shouting "Doctore! Stop!". Ulpius easily pushes him aside and throws him against a wall. Later in the season during the contests held to determine the new Champion of the House of Batiatus, he is seen being bested by Pollux. Since he is seen as a gladiator in the ludus before Spartacus' arrival, a reasonable assumption can be made that he escaped along with Spartacus and the others.

Blood and Sand

He is always a prominent gladiator to Spartacus' arrival. In Kill Them All, he fights Batiatus' men and escaped with Spartacus and the others.


He is seen in Wrath of the Gods on top of Vesuvius with the other rebels and is present in the final battle against Glaber.

War of the Damned


He also first appears in Enemies of Rome having fought in the battle against Cossinius. He likely took part in killing the surviving Romans in Sinuessa. In Blood Brothers, he spars with Crixus, and was able to best him, only for Crixus to gain proper footing and best him instead. He later takes part in Crixus' funeral games (He is armed with a sica) along with Rabanus and Pollux, killing his opponent. He is last seen escaping over the Alps with the other rebels to embrace the liberty with his comrades.

Combat Prowess

Tyronius is supposed to be one of most prominent Rebels,having survived most of the rebellion and even taking part in Spartacus' Gladiator Games to honour Crixus' death, fighting with Rabanus against two Roman prisoners. He could also hold his own in hand to hand combat against Crixus, as seen in Blood Brothers.


Tyrone Bell was Crixus's stunt double in Blood and Sand and personally surveyed the actors' physical training in "Gladiator Camp", particularly over Liam McIntyre and Simon Merrells.
