Spartacus Wiki
Spartacus the slaves revolt-1o2xv02

Third Serville War

The third major uprising of slaves (Latin: "servi") in the Roman Republic, from 73 to 71 B.C., the war of the gladiators and other slaves led by Spartacus is known to history as the Third Servile War. Unlike the prior two slave uprisings, which had occurred in Sicily, among agricultural laborers, the Third Servile War broke out with the uprising of Spartacus and his fellow gladiators on the Italian mainland, within a week's march of Rome, and threatened the social order not just of a single, isolated province, but of the entire state.

The Third Servile War was the largest and final act of internal resistance to Rome's gradual transformation from a democratic republic of small farmers and tradesmen into an imperial project of military expansion and economic exploitation. The Third Servile War demonstrated the nearly complete reliance of the Roman citizenry on the now-professionalized legions for the functioning of the late Republic's slave-based economy, and paved the way for the transformation of the Republic into an Empire ruled by those commanding the legions which maintained order.

Historically, Spartacus, Crixus, Oenomaus, Gannicus and Castus were all leaders/major forces behind the 3rd Slave

Rebles battle the Romans

A seen from "War of the damned" showing one of the battles in the war.

revolution of Rome. The Fate of the real Spartacus, as well as his real name have never been fully known.

In the series

Spartacus and his rebels began the rebellion in Kill Them All, killing Batiatus, and many Roman nobles. The rebels then begin to terrorize the city of Capua, killing many Roman soldiers sent after them and in the process gathering weapons and well needed supplies. Eventually new instated Praetor Gaius Cladius Glaber is commissioned with destroying the rebellion.
