Spartacus Wiki
Spartacus Wiki
First appearance Comic #4: The Shadow of Death
S1E05: Shadow Games
Last appearance S1E05: Shadow Games
Profession Farmer
Race Greek (Spartan)
Relationships Theokoles's Mother (Mother, deceased)
Karina (Lover, deceased)
Gharib (Friend/Rival, deceased)
Marcus Decius Solonius (Employer, deceased)
Oenomaus (Rival, deceased)
Crixus (Rival, deceased)
Spartacus (Rival, deceased)
Status Deceased (Slain in the Arena by Spartacus)
Actor/Actress Reuben De Jong

Theokoles is a retired legendary Greek Gladiator, known famously as the Shadow of Death.


Theokoles is a huge Greek albino gladiator with deathly pale skin and reddish eyes. His skin is covered with scars, supporting Varro's rumour that he has been cut 1000 times; in particular his face, across which there are two deep gashes, alongside his torso and arms. He has a tattoo on one shoulder, which was given to him by a band of pirates he served with for a time. Theokoles' albinism accounts for his pale skin, red eyes and photophobia, which allowed Crixus to easily blind him with reflected sunlight. He fights wearing very little armor, only adorning a balteus and wields two swords. His swords are much larger than standard gladii, a benefit to his massive size.


Theokoles is


The Face of Theokoles.

a gladiator who cares for glory and fame above all else, even after winning a thousand fortunes throughout all his battles in the arena. He enjoys toying or teasing his opponents to amuse the crowd, apparently showing lack of true skill in a first bit, before moving in as the powerful warrior he really is. He also appears to have a high resistance to pain, being able to withstand grievous, even fatal, wounds and continue to fight as if there was nothing holding him back. Despite this, however, Theokoles possesses a kind heart, not being able to stand hearing or seeing women in pain or despair. Ultimately, his love for the arena comes from the fact that he was never accepted anywhere else, and that it was the arena where he flourished. 

Combat Prowess[]

Theokoles is the possibly the biggest after Sedullus, and most durable warrior encountered in the series, whose legendary battles have been engraved into the history of the arena. The giant was able to best Oenomaus and badly wound Crixus, both of whom are among the most skilled warriors in the series. Theokoles was never defeated throughout his career and even once bested 100 men in the arena(although this was under a tone of myth and legend) Theokoles shows immense strength and durability, receiving many wounds yet continuing to fight without a problem.

Theokoles fights in the Dimachaeri style, a two sword fighting style usually best suited to small and agile gladiators. Despite this he uses his strength and size to wield both blades as skillful as any other Dimacheri.

Motion Comic[]

Theokoles Motion Comic

Theokoles was born in a small village in the region of Sparta in Greece. He was extremely large and powerful, even as a child, but his mother still treated him with love and care. Eventually she passed away and he grew up being a gentle giant and farmer. Treated as a monster by the other villagers, he eventually fell in love with Karina, the only person to ever show him kindness. However, Karina dies in intercourse with Theokoles and this causes the whole village to finally turn on him, calling him monster and all kinds of names. In grief and rage he killed all that attacked him and buried Karina next to his mother, before moving on. 

Theokoles Pirates

Theokoles at sea.

Theokoles wandered after that and to which he later saved the life of the son of Gharib. Gharib was a pirate captain and they welcomed Theokoles with open arms. They sail across the seas gaining fortune and fame and Theokoles eventually gains a tattoo. However, when the pirates later attempt to rape several women, Theokoles' mind changes and he begins to fight off and kill the pirates. During this time a storm hits and the ship is crushed by the waves, with Theokoles being sent into the harsh sea. 

Theokoles Motion Comic -2

Theokoles in the arena.

He later washes up on Roman shores and finds himself captured by Roman soldiers. He is sent to the arena, where he flourishes and, after years of being called monster and beast, found a place where people cheer his name. Over the years he grows more famous and more victorious, having never lost a battle. He is soon battled by Oenomaus, the Champion of the House of Batiatus. They fight hard, almost as equals for a time, though Theokoles is still the far stronger combatant. Before going to deliver the final blow, however, he hears the cry of Melitta. This moves him, and he tells Oenomaus to grab his sword. However, the editor of the games notes of Oenomaus skill and his ability to have fought longer than any other gladiator against Theokoles and grants them both victory. While Theokoles is satisfied, Oenomaus is personally disappointed. 

Throughout the many years he would fight in the arena, earning thousands of fortunes and gaining every victory against the Gladiators he faced, would later retire to an unknown place. All of these events are not confirmed to be canon to the series.

Blood and Sand[]


Theokoles rises despite his huge wounds.

Theokoles is mentioned a few times in the series, spoken of in fear and awe. Kerza and Varro tell of how he was cut over a thousand times and that only one had managed to survive in a battle against him. Spartacus, however, doesn't believe in the stories about him, which causes the other gladiators to further scoff him.

Solonius procures the retired Theokoles to outdo Batiatus. He is set to fight against Batiatus' gladiators, Crixus and Spartacus, as only one gladiator would not be enough. As the games approach, Oenomaus trains the pair, overwhelming them with a similar intensity that will pale for what they will face in there arena. Oenomaus tells them of his own fight with the Shadow of Death, revealing his wounds, and telling them that only by fighting as one will they stand a chance.


Crixus temporarily blinds Theokoles.

Spartacus and Crixus enter the arena on the day of the games, with anticipation as their legendary opponent appears before them. Theokoles enters the arena with many spectators cheering in both awe and amazement at the legend himself. Spartacus and Crixus quickly charge against their opponent, fighting as one and manage to overcome the great giant. Theokoles falls with major wounds, the crowd cheers and Spartacus and Crixus celebrate as their victory came swift from their combined effort. However, the crowd stops cheering as Theokoles rises again, having been toying with them the entire time, and shouts out Crixus' famous line "Capua! Shall I begin?" as a taunt before the three resume combat. Crixus refuses to fight with Spartacus and is overwhelmed by Theokoles, who manages to deal him a severe wound to the back.


Theokoles is decapitated by Spartacus.

Before the giant can finish Crixus off, Spartacus shouts at Theokoles to gain his attention. Spartacus, lunging off of Crixus' shield to propel himself into the air, delivers a fierce strike. Spartacus initially fights well on his own, but Theokoles quickly begins gaining the upper hand, easily pushing back the Thracian. Not giving up yet, even with his insides exposed, Crixus grabs a helmet lying nearby and reflects the light into Theokoles' face, blinding him momentarily. Spartacus uses the moment to his advantage to pick up another sword to face theokoles with, theokoles chases after the thracian but is once again surprised by spartacus's skill and is countered and finished, putting an end to theokoles's myth.


During Spartacus' rebellion, Romans including Mercato often referred to him as the "Slayer of the Shadow of Death", a title as infamous as the "Bringer of Rain".

Video Games[]


  • Reuben De Jong, the actor who plays Theokoles is 208cm (6'10") tall and weighs 140kg (308lbs). While still impressive, he is much shorter than the said 10+ feet he was described to be.
  • Crixus and Oenomaus are the only two gladiators to have been defeated by Theokoles and lived.
  • Theokoles, along with Gannicus and Unnamed Murmillo, are some of the only gladiators seen to have tattoos. It can be noted that the recruit Segovax also had a tattoo, but he died before being accepted into the brotherhood.
    • Historically, only those from Celtic and other non-Roman/Greek backgrounds had tattoos, as both the Ancient Romans and Greeks believed that tattoos disrupted the natural beauty of the body. Having a tattoo became associated with slaves, and were also given to penalise criminals and prisoners of war.
  • Theokoles comes from the Laecedaemonia (Laconia) region in southern Greece, so he may have Spartan ancestry.


(To the crowd after being knocked down by Spartacus and Crixus): "Capua! Shall I begin?" [1]


  1. Spartacus: Blood and Sand Season 1; Episode 5