About Legatus and Praetor[]
In Roman Practice, in order for a Legatus to command an army without reporting to a Dux or something like that, Glaber would have to hold the rank of Praetor (which he did in the end of Season 1), so I wouldn't say that he's a former Legatus because Legates can hold the rank of Praetor--what this does is give the Legatus permission to command an army without reporting to the Dux plus gives him political affair involvement, so I'll just say that he held Legatus since Season 1 but was given the rank of Praetor since Season 2. Read the Wikipedia Article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legatus) as to why Legatuses were required to be Praetors to command an army independently. 22:25, March 31, 2012 (UTC)
From what I undertand, 'Dux' related to the Latin 'Ducere' (to lead) was something of a generic word for a leader or a commander. In the Late Republican era of Rome's history, a Legatus Legionis would often report directly to a Consul, or a Proconsul or Propraetor in the provinces, and from the Augustan/Principate era (post-33 BCE) to the Propraetorian Legate (governor of an imperial province). Dux was originally used by the Romans to describe foreign leaders or warlords, as was the case with Gaius Julius Caesar using the word Dux when referring to Gallic and Germanic chieftains in his Commentaries of the Gallic War. In the Dominate era (begun in the reign of the Emperor Diocletian in 284 CE), Dux became the standard title of a defensive force in a Roman province, before later being inherited by post-Roman societies in western Europe, where it would evolve into the aristocratic title of Duke. Legate, which basically means representative or deputy, was also used as a title for diplomats and ambassadors from Rome, and would be inherited by the later Roman Catholic Church in the form of Papal Legates, who are basically representatives of the Pope himself. --Fenrir51 (talk) 11:36, February 27, 2013 (UTC)
Legatus redirect?[]
Why does 'Legatus' redirect here? Shouldn't it have its own article? Glaber is not the only one we will see in the course of the entire series, I'm sure. Banjo oz 08:43, March 9, 2011 (UTC)
I'm not sure why that's there, but I've removed the redirect and Legatus is now ready to be edited, should you wish to. Venus Aurea (talk) 14:30, March 9, 2011 (UTC)