I just saw where Asher told Lucretia that he was going to own her deceased husbands ludus. Can I kill him?? I mean someone needs to, I hate him ! lool
I don't know what you are talking about. Ashur is a good guy. But besides that, we do not permit you to murder him because you are a woman. However, if you really want to kill him, then you can bear warrior children, and when they grow up, they can kill him for you.
I may be biased, because Ashur is my favourite character (Alongside Gannicus), but Ashur is just trying to get something for himself finally. He's completely justified in his actions.
Don't be so sexist poster #2. I've seen plenty of women take down men.
Ashur is a character who, at the beginning, I hated like you. He just seemed like the most treacherous man that ever lived. But over time, I actually warmed up to him. I loved to hate Ashur. You can understand why he does the things he does, because we know his past, and the years of neglect he took by the other gladiators. He is just a man looking for his place in the world. He may not be good with a sword by the brotherhood standards, but he can do almost anything if he puts his mind to it. I love Ashur.
To poster #2 and #3, it should be noted that in the actual fight, Ashur was victorious and prepared to kill Naevia. His arrogance overwhelmed him though and so she took the oppurtunity. Ashur's cunning finally was set aside for a speech....