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Spartacus Wiki
First appearance S0E01: Past Transgressions
S1E13: Kill Them All
Last appearance S1E13: Kill Them All
Profession Former Magistrate
Race Roman
Relationships Aemilia (Wife, deceased)
Seppius (Cousin, deceased)
Seppia (Cousin, deceased)
Tullius (Friend, deceased)
Titus Calavius (Successor, deceased)
Status Deceased (Killed by Spartacus)
Actor/Actress Andrew Laing

Sextus is a former Roman magistrate of high social standing.


Sextus is a typical Roman, appearing with an average build and brown hair, kept short and nice, as well as wearing robes befiting for a man of his station.


Sextus is proud of being a Roman Magistrate and appears to run his office both professionally and effectively. He also has a particular liking towards Gladiators and the games, often taking the time to watch them when not distracted by his work.

Gods of the Arena[]

Sextus is the Magistrate of Capua and a close friend of Tullius. Both Sextus and Tullius arrive late to the games that Batiatus hoped to impress them with the performance of Gannicus as their favour could curry him better showings in the arena and thus more monetary gain.

Tullius manages to convince Sextus of a contest in the Capua marketplace between Batiatus' man Gannicus and Vettius' man Otho. Sextus gives the command for the fight to commence and is astounded that Gannicus was able to claim victory, especially since he was blindfolded.

The day of the Opening Games of the New Arena has come and Sextus sits proudly in the pulvinus with many other Roman nobles to watch the games. When Vettius arrives to explain that Tullius, who funded the construction of the arena, will not be present (Due to a scheme by Batiatus and Solonius), Sextus suggests possibly withholding the games until he returns although Vettius insists otherwise, before taking leave himself. Sextus then announces the Games.

Sextus takes to watching the Games with great enthusiasm, and eventually when the Primus is to take place, Sextus speaks out to the people in explaining the rules for the Primus match before giving the command for the gladiators to fight. 

The House of Batiatus proves victorious in the Primus, with Gannicus becoming the Champion of Capua. Sextus compliments Batiatus for the remarkable show, but Solonius, having become bitter with Batiatus, suggests freedom for Gannicus to conclude the Games which Sextus remarks would be a blessing. Batiatus, reluctantly accepts and so Sextus addresses the crowd once more and announces Gannicus' freedom.

Blood and Sand[]

As he was formerly the Magistrate of Capua, Batiatus has him invited to his celebration to view the fight between Spartacus and Crixus, knowing his support for his campaign for Aedile would be vital.


Sextus is killed by Spartacus.

While upon the balcony with the other Romans to watch the fight, Sextus states that he and Batiatus should dine to discuss the matter of aiding Batiatus in his campaign, much to Batiatus' delight. 

At the peak of the fight, however, Spartacus lunges into the air (with the help of Crixus), in an attempt to assassinate Batiatus. Without hesitation, Batiatus grabs Sextus and uses him as a human shield. Spartacus' sword plunges right through Sextus' head, killing him instantly.

Sextus' arm is also grasped onto Ashur's robes, so when his corpse falls into the ludus' training ground he drags Ashur with him.


His two cousins, Seppius and Seppia, were very grieved by his death, and wanted vengeance against Spartacus and his rebels.[1]


  • In Latin, `Sextus´ literally means `the sixth´. In ancient Rome, it was common practice for parents to give their sons a number as a name. 'Sextus' was one of the ten most common Roman personal names.
  • Sextus can be seen as the first casualty of Spartacus and his rebellion.
  • Sextus, as a member of the Capuan elite, would have held the status of one of the Curiales/Decuriones, town councillors of the Roman Republic.
  • As a local magistrate in Capua, Sextus would have either been an Aedile or one half of the Duumviri (rule of two), the mayors of the city.
  • As a cousin to both Seppius and Seppia, Sextus may have been a member of the Gens Seppia himself, unless his relation was through the maternal line.


  • "You can always train another gladiator."
  • "Glory to Capua, GLORY TO ROME!"


  1. Spartacus: Blood and SandSeason 1; Episode 13