Murmillo is a gladiator fighting style that represents the Roman legion. It is the oldest fighting style and the first to use the gladius sword as its primary weapon. The Murmillo is the most popular of all styles because it is classed as "the home town hero"
The Murmillo is armed with:
- Gladius - Short sword
- Scutum - Rectangular shield made of vertically connected wooden boards with a small bronze cupola which protects shield's handle.
- Balteus - Leather belt with metal decorations and supplements. Similar to current boxing belts.
- Manica - Segmented or scaled arm guard made of leather or some metal alloys. Manica can also be chainmailed.
- Cassis Crista - Large helmet with plume or horsehair crest, usually made of bronze, with an ornate 'grill' face visor. Usually based on the broad-rimmed Greek Boeotian helmet.
- Ocrea - Shin guard/protectors made of gold, silver or other metals.
- Fasciae - Thick soft padding on legs which are used to wear ocreas without having calluses and blisters.
The Murmillo fighting style was suited for men with large muscular arms and strong heavy shoulders needed to help him carry the weight of his shield and sword. Men who played the Murmillo were shorter than most other Gladiators
but very muscular.
The Murmillo depended on his strength and endurance to survive the battle against foes who were more suited to attacking. The tower shield gives him an edge in defense and his gladius also gives him the ability to thrust and swing at his enemies when in close range. The Murmillo are also trained to kick their enemies with the thick padding worn around their legs. Murmillos are supposed to resemble fish.
Traditional Opponents[]
The Murmillo fought all of Rome's enemies but also rival fighting style
- Hoplomachus
- Gallus (Before the peace treaty)
- Retiarius
- Dimachaerus (rarely but several times in series)
- Another Murmillio
It's believed that the historical Spartacus fought as a Murmillo. Having been a deserter from the Roman Legions, having him fight in the style of a Roman Legionary would have been a way for the Romans to embarrass and shame him.
Known Murmillos[]
- At least 5 Unknown Murmillios are shown in the series.