Spartacus Wiki
Spartacus Wiki
First appearance S3E01: Enemies of Rome
Last appearance S3E10: Victory
Profession Senator
Race Roman
Relationships Marcus Licinius Crassus (Rival)
Cossinius (Ally, deceased)
Furius (Ally, deceased)
Julius Caesar (Ally/Rival)
Pompey (Ally)
Status Active
Actor/Actress Colin Moy

Metellus is a Senator of Rome. He represents the Senate in its political affairs and quickly wishes to see an end to the rebellion.


Metellus is a middle aged man with cropped dark brown hair. He usually wears clothing complimenting his rank as a senator.

When in a situation where combat is a possibility, Metellus dorns a unique set of armor in order to be ready when in the field.


Straight forward and serious, Metellus handles most situations in a business-like manner. He is not fond of Marcus Crassus, wanting only to use him for his position and power, and frequently criticizes the Imperator for what Metellus perceives as a lack of progress in bringing down Spartacus and his army.

War of the Damned[]

Metellus is first seen speaking to Cossinius and Furius after their defeat by Spartacus and his ar


Metellus meeting with Crassus.

my. Cossinius informs Metellus of Spartacus' rapidly growing army and conquests. With Rome's resources exhausted by other political matters, the men agree to consult Marcus Licinius Crassus for aid. Metellus offers Crassus command under Cossinius and Furius in exchange for 10,000 soldiers, to which Crassus agrees. After the fall of Cossinius and Furius, Metellus returns to Crassus, granting him the rank of Imperator and sole command of the war against Spartacus. Metellus is next seen on horseback in full armor, heading towards Crassus in the Roman encampment. When he arrives at Crassus' camp, he questions him over why he has not yet defeated Spartacus to which Crassus states he has a plan set in motion. Metellus then questions Crassus over the defeat of his men outside of Sinuessa and over how he inflicted the punishment of decimation, both which Crassus shrugs off. Metellus then informs the Imperator of how Pompey has defeated Hispania. Crassus then asks Metellus over how many men he has to which Metellus says he will not command his men. But Crassus says that he has a plan and that Metellus can join or leave to let him handle the war with Spartacus.


Metellus in armor.

Metellus' men return from Sinuessa with the surviving Romans; Metellus brings forth Laeta who Crassus begins to question. Both men learn of Spartacus' plan to attack Sicily which leads Metellus to tell Crassus to take action against Spartacus, but the Imperator refuses, stating he has something else in mind.

Metellus arrives in Sinuessa, where he congratulates Julius Caesar on his success in his mission, but before he takes his leave, Crassus invites him to celebration where the surviving rebels in the city will be executed. Metellus accepts the offer and leaves. Once he does, Crassus and Caesar express distaste for him. At the celebrations, Metellus watches the executions with glee, Crassus takes this opportunity to request the use of Sinuessa as a base. The Senator refuses, so Crassus bribes him by promising to share profits. Later, Donar breaks free of his shackles (with the help of Tiberius) and Caesar challenges him to battle which Crassus allows. After a fierce battle, Caesar announces his victory and tells Donar he fought well. Donar curses him in reply and commits suicide before Caesar can kill him. Crassus justifies that even great warriors will take their lives in the face of Caesar and Metellus tells Crassus that it was a glorious celebration. Metellus then leaves for Rome to inform the Senate of Spartacus' coming demise.

Metellus arrives back at Crassus' encampment and berates Crassus for his failure at the ridge. Crassus shrugs it off and the Senator questions his leadership, but Crassus ignores his questions and requests that he go back to Rome and inform the Senate of his next plan. When Metellus refuses and brings up Kore, Crassus' body slave who escaped to join Spartacus, Crassus becomes infuriated and punches Metellus in the chest, knocking him down. Metellus accuses Crassus of losing his mind, and threatens to see the Senate cast him aside for laying hands on him. Enraged even further by this, Crassus begins to severely beat Metellus, whilst saying Metellus will do as Crassus commands. Before he can land another blow on the scared senator he is stopped by Caesar. Crassus tells Metellus to return to Rome and threatens to have him assassinated if he were to speak of his beating.

Metellus later appears after the final battle alongside a returning Pompey, who he has (perhaps as a means of revenge on Crassus) given credit to defeating Spartacus.

Historical Context[]

Metellus is most likely based on Marcus Caecilius Metellus, who held the office of Praetor in 71 BC and later Consul in 68 BC.

In 70 BC, Marcus Caecilius Metellus would become Propraetor of Sicilia (Sicily), replacing Gaius Verres, who was believed to have secretly conspired with the Cilician pirates and the rebel Spartacus (despite Verres having crucified a Roman citizen believed to have aided Spartacus). Metellus would later become Consul in 68 BC, but would die in office that same year. His co-Consul, Quintus Marcius Rex, was a maternal second-cousin of Gaius Julius Caesar.

Another member of the Caecilii Metelli branch, a Quintus Caecilius Metellus, had been asked by Crassus to join forces with him against Sulla. What is known is that the two men quarrelled.

In the show, Metellus' political office is unclear. Having been appointed with the task of relaying the Senate's orders to Crassus, he is likely either a Praetor, the Princeps Senatus or the Praefect Urbanus.


The political dynasty of the Metelli family was an important branch of the Gens Caecilia, a Roman tribe who claimed descent from Caeculus, the founder of the Latin city of Praeneste and a son of the Roman God Vulcan.


"Such chaos and death at the hands of a fucking slave!"
Metellus to Cossinius

"Let us move from clouded past and turn eye towards pressing future. Sole command-in-charge to bring Spartacus to deserved end is now yours. Along with the title of Imperator, if you so wish it."

Metellus to Crassus

"The Senate does not tremble. Except in anger that you have failed to act."

--Metellus to Crassus
