Spartacus Wiki
Kornatius 2
First appearance S1E01: The Red Serpent
Last appearance S1E01: The Red Serpent
Profession Gladiator (House of Solonius)
Race Greek
Relationships Marcus Decius Solonius (Dominus, deceased)
Arkadios (Comrade gladiator, deceased)
Sebillus (Comrade gladiator, deceased)
Horolus (Comrade gladiator, deceased)
Status Deceased (Killed by Spartacus)
Actor/Actress Adrian McGaw

Kornatius was one of the gladiators owned by Solonius, fighting in the style of Retiarius. He was one of the gladiators who fight against Spartacus in his execution.

Blood and Sand[]

Kornatius is presented by Solonius, as the Horror of the Arena, when the lanista offers his men for the Albinus' Games, this ones are mocked by Batiatus. Later he is seeing training with Arkadios, who stops for intimidating Spartacus. Spartacus was facing his execution only against Arkadios, but Kornatius with Sebillus and Horolus and other two of Solonius gladiators appear to fight him, something that Albinus and the crowd doesn't like. Kornatius is seeing fighting Spartacus as a Retiarius, hurting the thracian several times, but when Spartacus rages, he cuts both legs of Kornatius, and later executes him with his own weapon, facing Glaber.

Kornatius D

Kornatius is killed by Spartacus
