Spartacus Wiki
Spartacus Wiki
First appearance S3E01: Enemies of Rome
Last appearance S3E06: Spoils of War
Profession Rebel
Race Thracian
Relationships Spartacus (Leader, deceased)

Diotimos (Supporter, deceased)

Status Deceased
Actor/Actress {{{actor}}}

Pothos was a Thracian slave who joined Spartacus' rebellion sometime before the Battle against Cossinius.



War of the Damned[]

Following the battle against Cossinius and FuriusSpartacus witnesses Pothos and another slave scurrying away from Nasir's training sessions with the rebel recruits.

Spartacus follows them to Diotimos' tent, who has been preparing portions of meat from a dead horse he found on the battlefield. Upon giving them their portion of meat, Diotimos tells the two that those portions were all he could spare, and to not ask him for any again. Pothos and the other rebel go after. Pothos is killed as hundred of rebels when Crassus and his troops retake Sinuessa in Valle.


  • Diotimos: "I can spare no more than this so do not fucking ask"
  • Pothos: "Gratitude"