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Chosen Path
Season 2
Number Episode 06
Date Aired March 2, 2012
Writer Misha Green
Director Michael Hurst
Previous Libertus
Next Sacramentum

"Chosen Path" is the sixth episode of Spartacus: Vengeance. It is the twenty-fifth episode of the Spartacus series overall.

Plot Outline[]

Spartacus urges his restless rebels to train for the defense of their new sanctuary. Lucretia and Ilithyia seek comfort from each other, while Glaber's forces swell with some deadly new recruits.


The episode starts with flashbacks of  Ilithyia trying to dissolve her marriage from Glaber to Varinius. Ashur tells Glaber about the red vile in Ilithyia's chambers, the captured rebels are at the arena when Spartacus, 

Mira, Donar, Agron, and others burn it down and the murder of Albinius by Glaber, which has a ripple effect that immediately alters the plans and lives of those closest to him – namely his daughter Ilithyia and his son in-law Gaius Claudius Glaber. The effect is to see Glaber has control of his wife and unborn heir; while Ilithyia sees her hopes of a marriage to Varinius vanish without the influence of Albinius to guide her wishes.

The rebels return from the burning arena to their camp at Vesuvius with a badly injured Oenomaus. Agron tells the rebels about the arena, and Chadara asks of Rhaskos which Donar tells of his death. Then you see Naevia returned to Crixus's arms asking "Do i yet dream".

At the ludus, Ashur suggests to Glaber that three of his Roman soldiers do not stand a fighting chance against one of Spartacus’ gladiators. Forced into demonstration, Ashur puts down a trio of Glaber’s men, before informing the Praetor that he was considered lowest amongst Batiatus’ men. Ashur offers to find more like him, with Glaber granting this request calling it ambitious goal that they must obtain.

Earning favor with Glaber instills Ashur with more power; Ashur immediately abuses it by raping Lucretia, after she chastises him for informing Glaber of Ilithyia’s plans to terminate her pregnancy. The aftermath finds the bond between Ilithyia and Lucretia reformed in pain and suffering, as Lucretia tells a despondent Ilithyia, “If the gods have cast us adrift, we must together discover the cause for return to the blessings of their shores.”

Ashur proceeds to visit a brothel, where he recruits Abrax who easily beats a large man to death.

Chosen Path.

Chosen Path pictures.

Meanwhile, despite their victory in demolishing the arena, uncertainty grows amongst some in Spartacus’ group. While Mira continues to find ways to be of aid to Spartacus, Naevia and Chadara are far less certain of the path they are on. Spartacus and his men decide to make plans, with some rebels learning archery under Lucius and deciding to attack Neapolis for warriors.

As Chadara seeks her place by giving herself to men, Naevia is so traumatized by her time in the mines that she contemplates taking her own life, stopped only by Crixus and the assurance that he will teach her to live a life of value despite all that has been taken from her.

In Capua, Ashur puts together the rest of his fearsome group – including a dangerous prisoner Egyptian who possesses amazing fighting prowess.


Spartacus vs. Gannicus

Gannicus, who remains with the group only to see that his friend and source of guilt, Oenomaus will recover from injuries sustained in the collapse of the arena. Naturally, given Gannicus’ skill and fortitude, Spartacus is eager to convince him to join their ranks, however Gannicus intends to instead walk in solitude. Gannicus is told Oenomaus awoke and goes to speak with him, Oenomaus is not too pleased to see him. They talk and Gannicus tells him of the night Melitta died, and sadly claims that Melitta chose Oenomaus in the end. However, Oenomaus sees through this since she was with him the night she died and Gannicus not convincing him in denying something went on between them. Oenomaus calls Gannicus a selfish man who only looks out for himself. Hurt by his former friend's words though seeing he was correct, Gannicus says he was a fool to believe he would gain forgiveness he then says word of his departure.

Before he can leave, Gannicus is accused of being in possession of a map which would lead the Romans right to the rebels’ camp. This denial only serves to brings Gannicus to an inevitable confrontation with Spartacus after the latter insults him. Spartacus stops his followers from engaging, though Agron tosses him a second sword to handle Gannicus. The two battle with both proving equal in skill, as the other rebels watch intently at the results while Mira notices something amiss.


Mira shooting an arrow at Chadara.

Grabbing a bow and arrow, Mira alerts Spartacus before she fires a well-placed arrow that reveals Chadara to be the real culprit, the fight is proven to be for naught, and an exonerated Gannicus is once more on his way.

Seppius death.

Seppius's death by Glaber.

That night, she goes there and mourns Mercato and Cossutius before she quickly figures out their intentions to get her brother to side with Glaber and is amused by it. However, and says she won't be much use, but changes her mind as soon as Glaber arrives. He openly flirts with Seppia whose eyes linger on him. Glaber notices Ashur return to the ludus and goes to speak with him. Seppia then tells Ilithyia how lucky she is to have a man like him. Ashur tells Glaber that his men are ready and Glaber quickly putting the men to task by having them storm Seppius’ house as a test.

Ashur's group kill all present, something Glaber compliments, before he orders Ashur to handle the bodies while he personally confronts a crawling and wounded Seppius. He tells the latter he couldn't wait for the morning to get answer, as Seppius inquires on his sister and Glaber notes on his concern for her. Glaber tortures Seppius by putting his boot on his neck, while telling him to die knowing that he will "comfort" Seppia. Glaber tells the struggling Seppius that he will lead his men on the path to destroy Spartacus. Glaber then kills Seppius, putting an end to his defiance before walking out. Ashur then picks up the dead roman's bracelet, closely examining it with the intention of keeping it.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

  1. Gannicus
  2. Spartacus
  3. Oenomaus
  4. Lucius Caelius
  5. Mira
  6. Agron
  7. Donar
  8. Nasir
  9. Chadara
  10. Naevia
  11. Hell Beast
  12. Crixus
  13. Gaius Claudius Glaber
  14. Ilithyia
  15. Salvius
  16. Ashur
  17. Lucretia
  18. Seppius
  19. Gallienus
  20. Seppia
  21. Marcia
  22. Abrax
  23. Nileus
  24. Danus
  25. The Egyptian



Spartacus Vengeance Episode 6 Preview


  • Ashur assembles a group of mercenaries.
  • Crixus and Naevia reunite, with the latter asking him to train her.
  • Seppia has an attraction to Glaber.
  • To have an advantage against the romans, Spartacus has the rebels create tunnels beneath the temple.
  • The house slaves are taught archery.
  • Gannicus and Spartacus fight while appearing equal.


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Libertus Sacramentum