Spartacus Wiki
Spartacus Wiki
First appearance Book 1: Swords and Ashes
Last appearance Book 1: Swords and Ashes
Profession Doctore (House of Pelorus)
Race Unknown (presumably Greek)
Relationships Sardinian Boy
Status Deceased (Suicide)

Charon (real name unknown) is the former Doctore of the House of Pelorus.

Swords and Ashes[]

'Charon' was the nickname given the former Doctore of House Pelorus by Varro. His identity was to remain hidden due to the schemes of Gaius Verres and Timarchides. He cared deeply for the Sardinian Boy and frequently gave him lessons. He carried the litter bearing Gaius Verres to the harbor in Neapolis, soon to depart with him and Timarchides for Sicilia. Their plot was unraveled by Spartacus who, along with Medea, fought Charon. Charon did this seemingly to give the Sardinian Boy time to escape. Timarchides slit his own throat after having been defeated.


Charon is likely named after the legendary Greek Charon, the ferryman who conveyed the dead to the underworld for Hades over the river Styx.
