Battle of the Siler River
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The Battles outside Rome took place in Separate Paths, between Crixus and his army and Arrius and his legion, and straight after against Crassus and his legions.
Fist Battle[]
The battle takes place only a few miles from the city of Rome itself. After Crixus addresses his army, they begin the battle by rolling ignited boulders down a hill towards the soldiers. The rebels fall upon their enemies, devastating the Roman army but suffering many losses as well. Not much of the battle is shown, but the Rebels are the victors. The Roman general Arrius is killed and his pendant is taken as a war trophy.
Second Battle[]
Their Victory against Arrius is short lived however, as Crassus and his army come straight from behind and seize another victory from the rebels, along with the life of Crixus.
First Battle[]
Second Battle[]
- Roman victory
- Crixus is mortally wounded and decapitated by Tiberius
- Hundreds of rebels are captured including Naevia and Agron (who sustains a heavy wound)
- Hundreds/Thousands of rebels are killed including Brictius, Verenda and Ortius.
Historical context[]
This battle is based on an historical battle (known as the Battle of Mount Garganus) that occured in mid-72 BC, located near the Garganus Mountains (the modern day sub-region of Gargano) in Apulia, the eastern end of the Italian mainland. The battle was fought a year before Spartacus was defeated by Crassus.
Crixus and his army of around 30,000 rebels were defeated in Apulia by consul Gellius Publicola (along with the historical Arrius). Around 20,000 died in the battle, and the remaining 10,000 escaped Gellius' legions and travelled south, eventually making it back to Spartacus' main army. With these combined forces, Spartacus eventually faced and defeated Gellius and his co-consul Cornelius Lentulus' combined forces.
It is believed that the historic Crixus was also decapitated (although it would've happened after his corpse was found), and his head was possibly used to intimidate Spartacus and his forces later on.