Does anyone know what the name of the song/track is Season 4 Episode 5
After Crixus and Spartacus shake hands....i can't find it anywhere
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Does anyone know what the name of the song/track is Season 4 Episode 5
After Crixus and Spartacus shake hands....i can't find it anywhere
Hi all,
Does anyone know (or have theories about) the timeline of “Gods of the Arena”? I’m trying to figure out what year it begins, which I think is about 80 BC, but I’m not sure. I only think that because a lot of people think there were 5 years between GoTA and “Blood and Sand”, and I get the feeling that B&S begins around 75 BC, but again, I’m not sure.
Thanks! 00.15 ringing song
Does anyone know the track title that plays multiple times in the series when someone is murdered that sounds like horror movie music? It plays when Melitta dies from poisoning in season 2 and when Ilythia kills seppia in the season 3 episode titled "monsters"\
Song appears at 4:02 of this video
Recently, I watched all four seasons of Spartacus on Netflix. I know the series was shoot in New Zealand which has a small population. How did they did find so talented actors in peak physical condition for the male roles and so many very attractive, and equally talented, actresses willing to do nudity and sex scenes for the female roles?
Here's a list i remember: Spartacus wanting to be reunited with Sura, Batiatus' financial troubles, Lucretia's infertility, Spartacus' conflict with Glaber, Crixus and Naevia, the Mystery over Barca's freedom, Gannicus and Oenomaus over Melitta, Agron and Nasir, Crassus and Kore, Kore's revenge on Tiberius.
Any you can remember, and which were the most interesting to watch unfold.
First off, I would like to thank the contributors of this wiki for their hard work put into this incredible Spartacus compendium! Now let's get started with my inquiries: How do you guys know all the characters' origins? For instance, where in the TV show do we get to know that the bodyslaves Amana and Thessela (the latter being probably the most beautiful character in the entire TV series by the way) are Judean and Greek respectively? Same goes for many other characters. How do you guys have such an extensive knowledge about everything regarding Spartacus? All the wikis I've seen are significantly more detailed than the TV shows themselves. So, do the contributors dedicate most of their lives to everything that is to know about a certain topic? This wiki for instance provides numerous facts and bits of information beyond Spartacus itself like historical, cultural and geographical ones regarding Ancient Rome and the world at that time. And how are future contributors chosen? Do you have to be proficient in English or even possess a degree in English Literature ? It seems to me as though every wiki out there solely allows people with an extensive knowledge in English to contribute. I'm not a native speaker nor an English major by the way, therefore my many questions. I merely want to comprehend the inner workings of wikis such as this one aside from the fact that I'm a huge fan of this masterpiece of a TV series. I would very much appreciate any replies that would enlighten me on said matter. On an unrelated note: How come Spartacus is not as well-received and mainstream as Game of Thrones for instance? Aside from the obvious reasons such as the former being more sexually and violently graphic as well as more foul-mouthed that is. For me personally GoT stands no chance against Spartacus!
Hi, I was lucky enough to attend the final auction of the Spartacus props set and acquired 2 battle standards that were apparently made and used in the series. However I have not seen any screen shots that show them, so wondered if anybody could point me to a particular image or episode when they were shown, as I would like to put a screenshot up beside them on my wall. The better standard depicts a 2 headed goat, it was hand made and woven. Help appreciated, thanks.
I've heard of the series and decide it to watch it on netflix, I'm sure im not the only that notice that the main character changed in season 3. I was wondering if any of you guys know the story of how he passed away of cancer. Their is a documentary on netflix that gives you insight at the kind of person the "real spartacus" was and I was heart broken to find out about his death. I just need it to vent about it.
Who is the girl being "used" by Batiatus in the pool in Episode 6 on request of Lucretia. Name of the slave and possible reappearance would interest me. If someone has the actress name even better - she is lovely!
Why haven't I been able to connect for two days? The error screen pops up and says their service isn't available,please try again later.
lol man, i have fucking serious issues with spartacus. why do they show mens cock, if they wouldn't show womens Vag
hello i just want to say if you can have 2 perks of the same type(for ex. 2 favour of the crow)or 2(ignore dmg pain)i can accumulate the effect?
According to the wikia here, they say that Gnaeus is Dacian/Getae, but according to Varro, around 32-35 minutes into S1E3 - He refers to the matchup with Crixus, (Defaulting Gnaeus) as Varro quotes to Spartacus: "The Sardinian, is to face Crixus." Could we fix this, or confirm that this is accurate?
Hi, which song is playing while burning down the Arena of Capua? S02xE05 - Libertus. Thank You! :)