I have info that Crrasus crucified 6.000. Spartans on destionation from Rome to Capua, after he defeated Spartacus. Someone says, today it is still possible to see wooden crosses ....!!!!??? Roman warning
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New on Spartacus Wiki
As many of you know, in our last consensus track track a little over a month ago, we covered, among many things, the unused images and how the majority agreed we need to delete all unused images.
Now, this has been in progress, being done manually by a few of the admins, and with any large project, we have some small problems. A few images that are being used have, and may, get deleted by mistake. If you come across any broken image links while enjoying the wiki, please inform any of the admins here or on their pages. You can also feel free to ask us anything regarding this or anything else you have concerns with.
Thank you a happy editing.
Just Updated
This Wiki is a great resource and Spartacus fans like me would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the fans and people responsible, who have created this. Can someone point out the Spartacuses here? Btw I am part of a fan group, who were originally active on the Starz's forums for Spartacus and then moved to another fan forum. Again you guys shall forever bear our gratitude!
I think its time we press to finish the articles to the best of our abiltys. I have three projects that i ask you all to focus on, im going to try and asign an admin on to each task to oversee and work on these projects.
- 1-We need to go through every article and do a massive spellcheak to handle all the spelling/grammer errors.
- 2-Actor articles are all stubs, most of them only having a few sentences, i want us to expand these articles and write them with the same care we would any other article.
- 3-The four comics, and the characters related to them, are undone, the books are better, but still undone. For now, i want some users to head to youtube and watch the comics, and expand those articles.
Let me know what projects you will work on, and what ones you think need added to our "to-do list"
The Spartacus Wiki is reopening its fourum/boards to promote more open diolog with the fans of Spartacus. Special boards can be highlighted by the admins when we have special events to share, like votes or news that you all might want to hear.
We of course ask that you speak to eachother with respect and courticy, and that you post in the correct area's. If you have any questions or concerns you can post them here so one of the admins can see and respond in a timly manner.