Stefano saladino·2/13/2022in GeneralThe rebels rise up on the fire of dangerous Vesuvius. It can break out again and again.SpartacusGannicusRebel Generals
Stefano saladino·2/1/2022in General DiscussionThe Tribes of Gemain and Gauls and KeltsYou makes the Tribes on the charakters Gauls end Germain. While Germains, Gauls, Kelts lives in Tribes SpartacusGannicusIlithyia
F'ing-gauls·7/27/2021in GeneralWhat’s your favorite fight scene?Crixus and Spartacus vs TheokolesSpartacus vs GannicusNaevia vs TiberiusSpartacus vs Solonius’s four menSpartacus vs Glaber’s men in Batiatus’s villaGannicus vs OthoVote58 Votes in PollSpartacusCrixusGannicus